
Smart of Wade to choose to come in the afternoon, while the kids got nothing of value from DeVos’s a.m. way.

Let’s not be too quick to judge Ms. DeVos. Maybe her plan was to meet with three people, then each of those people would meet with three more people, and so on and so on.

Are we sure she actually petted the dog and wasn’t just examining its suitability as a future coat?

He was the weakest link at Grantland as well.

I would not be surprised if at the end, Simmons becomes more appreciated for his ability to hire/develop talent rather than his writing skill. GM Simmons > Player Simmons.

Can we talk about the fact that The Ringer is getting to be somewhere between good and really good, and yet Simmons is somehow the worst part of it? I think BS deserves a lot of credit for making things come together a second time and hiring some really talented folks, but his public interactions with them (partly due

You have to say, they sure got their money’s worth out of the Grumman LLV.

It’s not too late yet, just saying. (Not my rendering).

I’d bet that it’s a lot easier and cheaper to replace flat glass/windshields than curved stuff. Might be more of a cost savings than aero would be.

Don’t those rural carriers normally use their own vehicles though?

Yeah I know, the current LLV is basically a slick bullet that ignores air. 

Newman’s reaction to the new USPS mail truck

I haven’t dealt with panic attacks but I’ve battled depression for years and anxiety. When my wife and I separated (got back together) I couldn’t sleep, lost 20 pounds and occasionally had breakdowns. I got on Klonpin and it helped. But, what also helped was opening up and admitting my issues. I found that hiding it

My wife and I got separated in January.

I can’t recommend therapy enough. Talking really helps. Good luck.

Armchair criminologist here.

Wait, we’re going to follow President Tiny Hands with President Big Hands and they’re both molesters?

Yep. I remember when I was in college, two years I lived on campus and two years off. The one year that was a complete disaster was when I roomed with a buddy from high school- that was a nightmare, even compared with rooming with a complete stranger as a freshman.