
Sorry about the wall o’ text, but this Dahmer-related story deserves to be told.

I’d be happy to mail one to each of those asshole MSU trustees each day for awhile.

Really cool that you were able to turn the molestation of children into an opportunity to talk about your (stupid) political beliefs.

Thank you so much, Lauren and Deadspin, for reporting on this every day.

Which is exactly why Trump’s unfulfilled promise to investigate Hillary Clinton is so dangerous.

“Wait, we can swear?” - the previous 157 victims

Spike Jones?

I suspect quite a number of sports fans care if an American player currently getting lots of media coverage for sudden international success sincerely believes Hillary Clinton ran a child sex slavery ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant and spends his free time reading neo-Nazi material.

As long as Paramount continues to run all-day Bar Rescue marathons on Sundays, I think everyone will survive.

“Either one could go join the Cavs or the Rockets or the Warriors and play great basketball and win all sorts of glory*.”

The Venn diagram of people who do this and people who tip poorly is a perfect circle.

It’s an excuse used by the sexually insecure to showcase their masculinity. Always backfires.

I am a teacher (High school math, formerly English and History), and I cannot find this amusing. I remember being 9 and getting mad when a teacher was wrong. Germany isn’t landlocked Mrs. Hampton!

I’m disturbed to learn that this happens.

In that case, yes, you’re the absolute worst.

Here I thought the question would be about asking for just a glass of water and no food.

But this is better for everyone involved. Rapey dude is no longer interacting with women and women don’t have to deal with rapey dude. Cool.

Most men are not autistic.

I think it’s still pretty simple, even if you can’t read body language or understand more subtle verbal communication, ask and wait for a “yes” rather than waiting for a “no.” The burden shouldn’t be on the other person to say no, that’s not real consent

Every time one of these fucknuts talks about how asking for consent is silly, I want to be like “So, when you want to go out for dinner with your girl, do you ask her first, or do you just shove her in the car, drive her to the restaurant, order for her, and start shoving the food down her throat?”