
Seriously? That kid uses saltier language with the help.

Come on coach, there’s like an 11 year old kid right behind you.

21 feet per second

Yes! Same with the Italian Job! Michael Bay doesn’t have to direct EVERY film!

Raph, it’s a 1960s police procedural with a few character quirks and odd twists. It has a certain, appropriately glum vibe. It’s not supposed to be a video game.

He wasn’t saying Fultz was literally the best in the world at basketball, but rather “one of the best in the world.”

Lets be honest, that jetta looks like something ford designed on the cheap to sell in Mexico and South America

Um not it doesn’t. That Jette looks boring this Avalon looks much more sporty and distinctive 

Resale and reliablity would be the main reasons I’d imagine

I love it. It’s a bit off in the first image, but the back and the interior look fantastic I think.

Then don’t buy a 6 figure Mercedes Benz

i see you are unfamiliar with the Vikings.

They weren’t all defenders. One of the guys was Thomas Morstead, the punter who was injured earlier in the game. Morstead is a great guy, an absolute joy to watch and an all round good human being. It really doesn’t surprise me that he’d go out there. He’s a class act.

It would likely be one of (if not the only) few good things to come out of 2018.

No. TOMMY is asleep in the hyperbolic time chamber Bill is the one with the hard on.

The great thing about this comment is, it would have been just as valid had the Vikings NOT won after blowing a 17 point lead.

I never understand this millennial bashing. Especially coming from people that are going to need to rely on them to change their diapers for them.

what exactly do you expect from a generation that’s spent the last 15 years hearing how shitty they are for being born and following the advice of gen x and boomers?

No more handouts for the coddled, entitled millennials.

And extra weird because he literally wrote the book on romance (/s):