
Is it me, or is this starting to sound like a job for open-source software? Safeguards could be put in place, oversight would be much more possible, it could be openly tested, analyzed, and fortified and would be open for scrutiny the world round. Furthermore, if states adopted the system and contributed their

This is a great source of relief for us apartment-dwellers. Most of my packages must be signed for due to living in an apartment (despite that apartment being a generally nice, safe place). This usually means they don't get delivered (I have a strict work schedule and they often don't tell me the day/time the package

The people who would do this are a black mark on all sysadmins. Yes, anger is understandable. Yes, a want for vengeance is understandable, but the self-respecting sysadmin knows that you turn in the keys, find some new ones, and the sun comes up another day.

It's like they grew up right along with us!

Vote: Google Chat.

I'm thinking Microsoft rebrands Skype as the new Windows Live Messenger to tie together its online/cloud presence and its mobile presence — gives them a strong contender for iPhone, Android, and WP7. Not saying this will be a good thing; just that I see it as highly likely.

Thank you for posting this!

ActiveInbox is hands-down my most-used browser extension every day. I've written a guide on it for my entire company and it has helped me rescue several key stakeholders from the e-mail deluge.

Confirmed. iBooks used to work. I jailbroke a few days ago, and just tried to open the default book in iBooks (Winnie the Pooh) and it doesn't work. My iPad (non-jailbroken) works just fine.

Just to make a point — Grooveshark does have a feature to play songs based on the songs in a current playlist. It's like Pandora, except that you manually load the playlist first. I believe this is called Grooveshark Radio, though I'm not certain. I've used it several times, and while the algorithm isn't nearly as

Well done, Jesus — I signed up and apparently the site is offline. Which error, you ask? "Too many connections." Very psyched about that.

[Comment deleted; purely my error, comment is irrelevant.]

@goober: Addendum — it should be noted that these are songs that I already have on other playlists, so I know they exist, and I used the exact artist & title.

I'm very much looking forward to trying this out. Very useful, especially in a time when someone may want to show off a new artist to the whole room (I have several friends who really know emerging music well).

Not just to be a doubter, but I'm also wondering (genuinely) how many of those polled have read articles in the past few weeks stating that the quality of search has gone down?

Thanks for all you've done, Bill, and on behalf of the world I'm sorry for what was done to you.

I know I'm repeating a theory here, but one thing I noticed: All the incidents seem to occur on the water or near a decent-sized body of water.

Vote: Mint + Google Spreadsheet.

I'd be interested in seeing the results of this. They're currently set to private on the poll, though. Any chance we could open them up?

I've got to say, I'm extremely surprised that if we're including browser extensions (as Boomerang appears to be), we haven't included ActiveInbox.