
That Pan American looked really familiar. It took a minute to place it.

Heckuva job, Corey!

I prefer John Rogers’ take:

Big . . . Shoes?

EMTALA doesn’t apply to ambulances, except hospital owned ambulances under some circumstances. This was a county ambulance, so EMTALA doesn’t apply.

Just saw the movie. It was awesome. Can’t address your concerns without spoilers, but it’s a really awesome film that handles the subject matter with grace and a fair amount of compassion for everyone.

I want someone to make Prius scissors.  Something tasteful that I can mount to the front bumper of my car....

Either that, or someone was in the .ini file to change something else, and added the bug at the end of development.

While QA finds the bugs, generally, they are not in charge of diagnosing and fixing them. But that’s cool. Blame the team that does the crap job that everyone on the team hates them for, rather than the team that actually crates the problems.

“Hey, look, I was on some racist bullshit, I fucked up and you’re just a person, my bad.”

That sounds like radical socialism.

I’ll  buy one!

I had a similar experience, but my case involved a female friend asking me to come by and “knock her up” the next morning. It did not mean what you might think.


That’s not true! Sharks could use their arms and hands to grab things! They’re just evil monsters from the Paleomian period that hate us because we have hair, legs, and big wrinkly brains!  Their jealousy kills!

It’s “only” $1554.54 USD.

Starred for actual dangling.

I routinely sign my name wrong.

You must not be familiar with Alison Eid. She is a flaming dumpster fire of a jurist, and the day we lost her to the 10th Circuit was glorious because she couldn’t fuck the people of Colorado any longer.  We thought.