
Neosporin up the nose sounds like she’s familiar with MRSA prophylaxis protocol. If you have a series of MRSA infections infectious disease docs will sometimes have you wash with a surgical soap and apply mupirocin to the insides of your nostrils. Staph likes to hide in your sinuses.

If Sony Pictures wanted to have this fight, HG would wilt like a daisy in the noonday sun. While HG has successfully pushed Big West and Tatsunoko and Studio Nue around, Sony is a beast of a different scale. It’s the difference between radio astronomy and gravity wave detection.

Mmmmm. Cookie!

You used the diameter in place of the radius, overstating the area by 4x.

What does the “S” stand for again?

O nan. I think you missed the point. Beating the demon out of someone is usually frowned upon by the Catholic church. Demon-beating is considered sinful. According to the church’s official dogma, you’re only supposed to deliver the demon to specific vessels, and only pursuant to an officially sanctioned contract.

The Feds, however, are investigating him for trademark infringement on behalf of the people of Detroit.

No. They’re potential energy.

I’d blame Susan Smith.

Stupid is as stupid does.

If only IGN’s reviewer had warned Bethesda about the bug a week before release, while he was calmly experiencing the game as it was meant to be played, instead of holding on to the bug until after release.

I know that feeling. My workout routine is defined by “never put off until tomorrow that which you can put off until day after tomorrow.”

So obsenity is an interesting thing. Justice Stewart once famously said “I know it when I see it.”

The First Rule of Holes:

Are you suggesting that Republicans are focused on a “red line” at the birth canal?

Balding is just another word for unshaven.

Shave it all and ride the horse where it wants to go.

I’m pretty sure it was scripted.

I think you’re mostly right, except for the climate change guys. Honestly, I’ve never met someone who felt that belief in climate change was (a) a fixed characteristic of anyone; or (b) a characteristic that limited the scope of the rights of people who had it.

I’m so sorry. You deserve much better.