
I generally don’t move over. I let them go around.

If someone is driving that recklessly by tailgating, my experience tells me changing lanes isn’t the safest as they often try to change lanes and fly around. Going steading in the lane is the safe way to go - let the idiot make the moves..

On one hand, that dick got what he deserved. What if there had been a legit reason for the front car to slow down?

Gotta love a music video based on “Falling Down.”

2000 - Bush will destroy America; Bush is a war monger

Jerry knows a lot about balls. He’s had so many facelifts that his are now located right below his chin.

Look for the union label....

I don’t have any punny jokes: He assaulted and killed this man in front of his granddaughters. For touching (“touching”) a piece of metal.

Wish Isuzu would do the same. Wife’s axiom would burn up a quart of oil every thousand miles. Isuzu said that was normal for their engines. Engine blew at only 60k miles.

It doesn’t...percentage of coal rollers is, seemingly, inversely proportional to local population.

Frankly, it’s VW who has never let “meets customer needs” get in its way before. It took me three of the damned things to figure that out.

Everyone would be better off if they simply paid the owners for undue depreciation, implemented offset mitigation and poured their resources into R&D for cleaner and more efficient propulsion systems instead of spending tens of billions trying to retrofit their highly perishable cars that are going to be off the road

As a former owner of a VW Golf which basically imploded, I salute you sir.

Why start worrying about parts failing now, Volkswagen?

There’s no chance of fiber optic in my city as a direct result of the entire city council being left wing Democrats in the most liberal city in a conservative state. Verizon offered and had to walk away.


It’s in the DLC, but you have to pay for that expansion pack.

Wait, so how many kills in a kill streak unlocked this air drop?

No, they will think you're a douche bag with a vey small penis.

I didn’t realize so many lesbians were buying new cars these days.

As a Kurd from Northern Iraq, id like to express my thanks and respect to the United States, its army and its people. the help we received has been invaluable and much appreciated. I wish all the success and well being to all your troops fighting in other parts of the world and their families. may your lost ones find