As seen on the Top Gear Demolition Challenge, I present to you...
I've never really had a huge fear of spiders, but that is super terrifying. I get a deep feeling of dread every time I look at that. Make it go away, please.
Is it bad if I first thought "Hmm... Neither one of them looks Indian..."
Geez people. If you don't want space from Google for personal information than don't put it on there! They never said you were required to put all of your finances and records on there.
I just deleted an acquaintance on Facebook that keep insisting in his status messages that it was actually Tupac, alive, on stage.
Wow. For only ten times more you can get a 458 Italia. I don't know what Dodge was thinking.
Just nail the check for 23 dollars on the missing posters.
I wanna bring that to my friend's baby shower tomorrow. That's why you don't invite men to baby showers.
You'd be surprised how horribly trained many soldiers are... or if they even have a civilians drivers license when they drive said tanks.
Maybe the new Roush is a transformer transformer.
You must be speaking of couches made out of baby seal fur and sewn together with angel hair.
I can literally put that anywhere? Like under my sink, or in my car or something?