3:01 "You can hit yourself all you want, but don't you dare hit my car."
3:01 "You can hit yourself all you want, but don't you dare hit my car."
That seems like a perfect time for an epic brake-stand.
I guess I'm on the dark and lonely end of that spectrum... If they filled it with race car drivers I would probably be okay... Maybe some movie actors.
Was I supposed to recognize anyone in that Camry ad?
Someone once told me that there are people out there that take the internet too seriously...
No. It's OK. You can always blame the driver!
It's real... surprisingly. Did some damage to cars in a parking lot below, which makes it even more relevant.
Best idea EVER! I'm gonna go get remarried in Chechnya!
Not unless they fly it into my house.
This one's for you.
Because CBS is a huge supporter of the SOPA bill. CBS also owns CNET, which is one of the main download sites for all of the biggest media sharing software. They actually advertise illegal downloading while supporting a bill against it at the same time.
I would own both of them in my beige Legacy family hauler. That's right, I said it. I'll do it with the kids in back too.
Schoon Of The Day.
I wonder if they got vouchers...
You need to realize that the government goes far and beyond the president and his staff.
Way better than yesterday's tanks and helicopters video.
How else are you supposed to learn? Being dumb would be doing in your mom's minivan.
Didn't this get posted a year ago?
They are supposed to. The dash is a pretty big pain to get into. I'm not too concerned right now because it's sitting in the yard for the winter anyway. Once the spring comes around I'll have to do something about it.