
It is OK my child. I forgive you.

I'd trade my 2000 Wrangler for it.

Already posted... I don't blame you for not wanting to click through pages and pages of comments though. Or maybe I do.

Someone beat me to it now that I took so long.

And also the 1990 Mitsubishi GTO. 21 years old, she better still look good.

1994 baby!

That's like saying I fought in Iraq because I wanted cheaper oil. ZING!

It 's bad that you have those reactions and you haven't bought a wheel yet.

That man is extremely happy that his car spit a person onto a bike.

I thought he was touching her boob for a second there.... that was weird.

I was picking that video apart until I realized it wasn't taking itself as seriously as I was.

Eww... Front wheel drive.

Flappy paddles that are attached to the steering wheel. NOT COOL!

When I want to go into "sneaky mode" I lift my hand brake one click and it turns off my DRLs.

Is cellphones a valid answer here? Or anything to do with them?

I guess he picked prison.

Because he was in possession of meth, which is a felony, and felons are barred from owning guns. Give me a good reason why he should be able to keep them.

I do agree that it really isn't relevant to the story though. If that's what you were getting at.

I hope my steering wheel is compatible too. If it is, I'm going to have my wife sit in my GT5 cockpit so I can rip her out, punch her in the face, and "steal" her "car." Switching from controller to controller seamlessly might present a problem though...