
I think I know...

Made the top ten twice in a week. I'm on a roll!

When I saw the picture for this article, I thought someone had another stupid supercar accident.

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Kellner almost getting destroyed by a two wheels of flying bad is probably one of my favorite close calls.

I figured I would caption this for you:

This is the one I was thinking of as well.

I want one painted like their camouflage. So then people couldn't tell what I'm driving.

See that in front? I don't know if you can, but it's a Miata. It's going so fast that it's bending light all around it and confusing your eyes.

Does this count as entry-level? I mean... what are we "entering" anyway, right?

I'm not a meteorologist, but I think I just rained on your parade.

Correction! It's Denny Hulme, not "Danny."

Mikka race. Mikka no talk.

"Were you watching on Facebook when I jumped that Civic? I invited all of my family and friends to watch it!"

You mean it's not supposed to do that?

You don't even want to know what I just imagined.

I had the same engine in the A6. I got rid of it when I found out how much the timing belt/all the brakes cost/catalytic converter cost... They all decided to go(minus the timing belt, that's just maintenance) around 120,000 miles and I knew the turbos probably wouldn't be far behind. If I had that car brand new I

I think I would go and buy back my 2000 Audi A6 2.7 Twin-Turbo from the 17 year old I sold it to. He's probably looking to get rid of it(or killed himself in it) by now. It's only been 6 months.

Don't forget the Crown Vic! What? Discontinued? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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Did you know that he is not a meteorologist?