
I love killing hiding places... Hopefully they explode too. That's the best.

@Takamofo: No I have not... It's on my backlog. And I hope harvesting little girls will always be creepy for me.

@NKato: Glad I'm not the only one... Creepy.

I don't know if I can get into harvesting children... I kind of goes against everything that my Mom taught me growing up.

@ReaveT: I really want my frisbee back...

@Hey_Blinkon: You must of dropped 4 grand at least!

@sentroshi: Furry, barks, eats stuff off of the counter when you aren't looking.

@akiratech: ps3 web browser does need some work though... YOU HEAR THAT SONY>??@?!@?@?

@Zorantor: I just bought a laptop for 1000 that can play crysis at those settings.

@DarkLinkinfinite: My first computer talked back too much and I had to fire him.

@gomerkyle9: take moves? my brain is not awake.

@Aikage: Damn... I forgot to take moves those bodies from the locker at work.

@Revenge_of_Nekojin: Maybe if a pack of cigarettes were more than fifty cents in the desert...

@Boxworth: It would definitely need God of War-like button mashing sequences. I can imagine so many mini-games.

@Combine: Actually, I believe that was Stephen Colbert.

I wanna see one with a PS3 or Xbox 360! Best advertisement ever!