Go Maga Yourself

WHITE FOLK AREN’T RACIST?! You fucking joking with that shit?

I come here and a bunch of white girls trying to “parse” a woman of color’s motives, actions, and life? Back the fuck off and check the privilege. You either support POC or you’re the enemy. No nuance. Pretty fucking simple.

Old white soap selling bitch is dead. I care why? Yeah, one less privileged white person is a good thing.

Fuck right I’m full of hate, and you must be blind, stupid, or white if you’re not either, BROTHER

Secondly, Taylor is not a “ugly bitch”.

White bitch, get outta here with that white bitch. Check your fucking privilege while I vomit all over your white face with this shit.

Wow, is that a photo of a woman of color? Out of like 20 white women on the front page? Okaaaay. Baby steps, Jezebel, baby steps.

Ok Uncle Tom.

Four white privileged ugly bitches speaking at me about beauty? WTF is this shit? There is a war on everything Black and this shit?

Does anyone here give a shit about this rich white privileged bitch? If you do, YOU ARE THE ENEMY.

Black folks dead every day at the hands of white pigs and you cry about some baby racist getting roughed up? For real?

400 years of slavery and you cry white tears about some white punk getting his? Boohoo. Yeah, fuck that racist clown. We need exactly more of this shit.

Fuck this shit. I swear to Satan if Trump gets anywhere near a victory, Obama has to shut this shit down and declare a state of emergency. Start by rounding up any and all MAGA assholes and start handing out prison terms for inciting racial violence. Nationalize the goddamn police. Enough is enough! Fuck these hick

Colin is right. What the fuck is so great about these vapid white people? For the love of Satan why post this shit? Who wants to see this white bitch 24/7? Black folk are literally dead everyday at the hands of white Xtian scum and I come here and have the see the actual face of white hatred in the form of this ugly

Does anyone care about this racist Disney bullshit? How long exactly will these white assholes keep making money by appropriating, denigrating, and mocking genuine culture? Fucking aholes.

Enough already FFS! I’m sick of this shit. Get violent, that is the only message the dickwad Right understands. Fuck the pigs, fuck the right, fuck Donald Trump. Tear shit up and bring justice by any means necessary. Seriously, enough.

Can Corey come clean now and name his pedo rapists? Or is he just full of shit and playing the crowd for money / relevance. Money on option two.


Now playing

Look at this racist white punk get owned in El Cajon. Justice served muthafuka. Can we gin this shit up some more and start just taking care of business exactly this way going forward? No more clowning. Shit is real and racist scum need to learn hard lessons.