In 50 years the following question is going to show up on whatever quiz show there is then and nobody is going to know the answer:
In 50 years the following question is going to show up on whatever quiz show there is then and nobody is going to know the answer:
Tebow’s NFL highlights should be more than sufficient to counter the idea of white supremacy.
We won’t fully know the extent until the Rams get three more wins.
They’re just like kids sentenced as adults out there.
It’s time we all admit that this Yankees team is young, fun and likable until the camera pans to the crowd at Yankee Stadium.
Man, to think he’d be 55 today. Which means he would definitely be dead by now.
Ugh, phrasing.
Dodgers games: 99.9% apathetic fair-weather-fans who just go to games to take an Instagram pic, 0.1% maniacal knife-wielding gang members who want to literally murder you.
To be fair, 10 Philadelphia fans would be louder than 10,000 Los Angeles fans, regardless of the sport.
Kevin Durant has already burned Trump from four different accounts.
The best explanation I heard was this. So many of these guys are the basement dwelling stereotypes you read about, the ones who can’t get a date. They’ve convinced themselves that it’s because they like comics and SF and fantasy and nerdy things that girls don’t get. Now, with more and more women becoming fans and…
Really makes you wonder about the morals of that overlapping set of people who say “They know the consequences of head injuries, so I have no sympathy” and those who say “College athletes get a good education, so they shouldn’t also get paid.”
As a former resident of both Chicago and New York: I concur. New York Bendy Triangle Pizza and Chicago Deep Dish Pizza are two separate foods. People who try to pit them against each other are being dumb. Just eat it, enjoy it, and shut the fuck up.
I actually have a line item in my budget for pizza.
Tom, should you focus on his penis when his balls are the real story? I understand the confusion since there’s not a vas deferens between the two.
When we practiced the spike at the end of the game at the NFL level, basically everyone treats it as a normal spike the ball, except for one receiver with a route and the QB. That receiver is running the route no matter what, and then if the QB thinks he can get it (defender slow to react, receiver gets a step), he’ll…
that is funny to me because his other hand is enveloped in a device which is designed to do what this bare hand is not.
Romine really needs to drive through his shot. Good level change but poor finish against a big man.
Against all odds and sense, it’s actually a very fun hour or so of silly-ass television. I enjoyed the hell out of it, while also knowing that it was really extremely ridiculous.
You’d think Jeter would be a little more understanding about keeping around a fan-favorite statue in the field.