Golfs in a Golf

light(ish)? It was 1800 pounds! How much lighter would it have to get to just get called “light”?

I have a friend who has one of those. I always call it his Prius to annoy him.

I legit completely forgot this car was a thing until just now.

My camera must have magical time traveling abilities.

Neutral: Would You Take The Chance On Some Volkswagen Stock?

In happier news:

  • The Senate’s Russia investigation is reportedly looking into Our Lady of RT, Jill Stein. [BuzzFeed]


Why did a still from the “How it’s made” intro make it into their press photos?

Cue the obligatory Chinese car comments;

now why would I tell you that?

Do you have the names of any good assassins?

The rational person in me says: I think you should set a fixed number of projects and stick to it. You are probably at/beyond a reasonable number, so the question is would you be willing to scrap/sell one or two of your many other projects to acquire the Jeep(s) in question.

Generally speaking your threshold for purchasing a Jeep is perilously low, so if YOU are wondering out loud, the answer is a deafening NO!

David, these vehicles are hulking piles of shit. I expect you to buy them.


If you don’t feel like doing the math

Sounds like you need a shoulder to Chiron.