PS: FWIW, I had the "Blue Mikey" for my iPod touch which does not sound nearly as good as the Zooms.
If you just need audio, the Zoom H1, H2, or H4n are all great bargains. I have the Q3HD video & audio which (supposedly) has the same mics as the H4n. Here's a sample of my band in a live setting (watch the 480P to get the best sound.)
Ohhhhhh my God, Becky. Just look at her butt!
I love this so much!
Uhhhh, GLORIA ESTEFAN???????
Scary on a whole other level...
VTEC must've kicked in, yo.
The thing is, the new ultrabooks are not necessarily underpowered. I laughed at the people who bought the first gen Airs, but became interested when the latest Airs came out. Then the new Asus Zens hit and I became REALLY interested. If you can have up to a core i7 in a unit that weighs less than 3 pounds why not? The…
Mine's gone in Firefox also...
The Great Gig In The Sky indeed.
Yer doin' it all wrong. Vivid. This is the perfect opportunity for a themed phone. Pre load some teaser clips and custom apps and sell it unlocked. Duh!
I'm no fashionista but that outfit she's wearing is HORRIBLE.
I got da poooooo on me!
Privacy isn't cool.
Derp, derp derp derp. Derpy derp derp!