Unfortunately, this ruling still may not stop someone from getting a beat down from their local constable.
Unfortunately, this ruling still may not stop someone from getting a beat down from their local constable.
Darwin should be along aaaaaaany minute now.
The inference of the article was clear. If the author wanted to be accurate, he could have said "Michelle Bachmann hates science" but instead chose to associate his comment with all Republicans but then completely counter his own statement in the following paragraph.
Bachmann may be "one of the GOP's most prominent candidates", but most mainstream conservatives know that she's not an electable candidate, or at least not for the presidency. (I do not support her and am a center leaning conservative on most issues).
A comment I recently saw on a George Clinton YouTube video seems appropriate here:
This guy is one fist pump away from the Jersey Shore.
This, as I just had to put my 16 year old furry friend to sleep this morning. R.I.P buddy, see ya on the other side someday.
Back in 1990 I thought I was hot shit with my brand new Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX. Right about then my best friend bought a slightly used 1988 RX-7 turbo II. While neither one of us was able to outrun the other, I enjoyed driving that RX with it's buttery transmission and super tight controls much more than my own car.…
Two words: Jimmy Hoffa.
What's good for the goose is apparently not good for the gander.
I like this futurescape with not a hybrid in sight. Very Jalop of them!
Yeah, ummmmm...... nothing in Southern California...
This was exactly what I was thinking.
It's surprisingly addictive. After using a 1st gen Pre for a year and then switching to Android, not having the card view was maddening. It's really one of those "A-HA!" things that becomes so second nature that everything else just feels stupid by comparison. Give it a shot, and keep in mind that there are tons of…
I can root and all of that stuff and can say that WebOS is infinitely better than any custom Android ROM out there. People want ease of use, and WebOS delivers that in spades. As far as longevity, the average consumer doesn't buy a new device until the one they've been using dies anyway, so it's really not much…
I was actually comparing the 13" MBA (not MB Pro) fully optioned with the 256GB SSD, 1.7GHz Core i5, and 4 gigs of RAM at $1599 to the 13.1" Vaio Z with the same specs (except the processor speed is 2.3GHz) at $2220.00 which is 39% more.
Long term support on a hacked Android Touchpad? Good luck on that one unless you enjoy wading through page after page of message board posts on XDA Developers...
Amen. I looked at the new Macbook Air 13" and then looked at this Sony. Comparing specs on the two as closely as possible, the Sony was about 40% more. It's a nice rig, but NO THANKS!