Jalopnik needs to stop posting this garbage noise on its feed. We get it - Terrell is pessimistic about all things Trump. We get enough of the political bullshit from Jalopnik’s own contributors.
Jalopnik needs to stop posting this garbage noise on its feed. We get it - Terrell is pessimistic about all things Trump. We get enough of the political bullshit from Jalopnik’s own contributors.
Back in the day we just complained that FTA brought military stuff to to an automotive site. Now FTA is just a shell site for anti-trump pro-gawker pro-theslot liberal garbage. Please do is a favor and either associate FTA with the liberal parts of this site or quit posting your political crap on the jalopnik tree.
<If Russian troops can enter Estonia or Poland, in theory, why not Germany as well?>
There is almost no subject that Terry Pratchett hasn’t explained better, funnier, and more times than just about…
Sure and no Clintonistas have been known to be petty or obnoxious. Let’s talk cars and keep shitty political shit somewhere else. Jalopnik is going to hell in a hand basket.
Everyone, I hope your rage-glands have been properly primed and lubed, because you’re going to need them. Remember…
And if Trump did not accept the call from President Tsai Ing-wen, the press would be calling him a puppet for China.
I love football, but Jesus Tapdancing Christ am I really starting to hate the NFL.
He-he’s black... *whimpers* he’s bald!
In the stale air of a AAA office, I looked up from a poorly-cut paper pamphlet to the dead eyes of the old man…