baby godzilla

guys, let him have his nap!

truth. also i love your screen name!

that’s like 90 calories, that ain’t lunch!

that’s what i did! beats the hell out of working in that office.


get you a man who...

i have indeed seen dudes jacking it. people fighting imaginary enemies while yelling gibberish. and i saw a guy smoking crack on the bus last year.

biological warfare is a crime

“just drink some apple cider vinegar, Billy, that rash is nothin god can’t take care of”

yeah i went to a Waldorf school and they didn’t do any vaccinations: in Canada public schools give the MMR vaccine, Hepatitis, I think Gardasil now, probably a few more. anyway, my mum isn’t a fool so i got all my shots at the doctor.

the Anglican cathedral i grew up attending! but yeah most of them are not cool with it.

it’s all we have eh?

oh man, that bit about Reese-Mogg was good too.

being in the military must be so fulfilling!

good golly, an extremely rich man fucking around, stop the dang presses

not always- the white showed up better on film than red but red was sometimes used, and was often used in caricatures

jfc, how could she be so stupid? amazing.

people did say something. to the president.

same, although quitting twitter helped me a lot