
Bernie Cons:

Now playing

So, here’s the thing, and believe me I hate Rafael Edwardo Cruz more than anyone. But here’s the thing:

She should become a man and fight for transgendered rights.


Fuck ya he should.

Ya so, Jeb or Rubio or Trump or whoever... doesn’t matter. Hillary is going to curb stomp there teeth into the sewer. They are all toast!

I hope someone runs on stage and cuts his head off then Hillary comes out and starts playing guitar.

I have a kiddie tub in my bedroom that is filled with KY. I will submerge myself a couple times before sex usually. Sometimes I just have sex in the tub.

Hey spete - fuck you.

Ok? Obama was not born in the USA. So what.

He’s lived in the woods of Vermont or whatever the hell is in Vermont for the past like five decades. I think it’s time to give up on the “OH HE FROM BKLYN THO” nonsense.



I did forget truffles! Thank you!

God Tea Party Women make me so sick and tired and sad. Just like poor backwater people in Vermont that vote Republicon because they love guns and are conservative hicks, these Tea Party Women vote against their own rights when they vote Tea Party. Really sad.

V-Pump Rules guy? I hooked up with him too. Everyone has hooked up with this guy.

How so?

Sorry. Clover is usually my favorite reporter here.

I went to an Ivy, maybe Yale, and knew a bunch of SAE guys in college too. They aren’t as bad as you make it seem and it’s more likely that these girls that were turned away were just some local unemployed townies and not Yale students. They were turned down probably because they looked very townie and not so much

As if Irish women didn’t have it bad enough with their drunk alcoholic husbands beating them all the time and being used as baby machines just like any other household appliance. The only way to protest that you can do heroin but not get an abortion is to do heroin while you’re pregnant if you want to get an abortion.