Since the baby was born by surrogate?
Since the baby was born by surrogate?
This really happened? Ha!
Excellent example of the checkout lane!
This is not an equivalent example. The RV & car refuel at the same rate so the RV is at an appropriate pump. You should have compared the situation where an EV with equivalent charging rate arrives at the 350kw charger before you. There’s no issue there.
I completely disagree with your premise. If a passenger car that can’t accept diesel from the commercial pumps blocked a semi from fueling, the truck driver would be completely in their rights to insist that car doesn’t belong there. This is the same thing.
You sound really miserable and misinformed. Clearly you don’t live in a true city, where the availability & cost of parking alone in city centers is plenty of reason to bike instead. Convenience of less traffic, easier parking, cheaper across all fronts, healthier than driving, faster than walking, better for the…
Mitch McConnell’s outrageously hypocritical actions are why Trump got 3 SCOTUS picks in the first place.
I don’t necessarily think Wolf was saying the morality of sexual assault is grey - it’s all wrong. I interpret it as her saying the severity & frequency of sexual assault exist on a spectrum (e.g., violent rape & grabbing someone’s ass are not the same offense) and so putting all men into one of two buckets - hero or…
Those roofs are sitting on big box buildings that can’t support the weight of solar panels over the entire surface.
You REALLY should have let that one go. FFS... Are you going to come to the defense of the 0.0000000001% of cis men that don’t have a penis when it comes to cracking jokes? Get a life!
So the VW Jetta Sportwagon was a wagon but when they rebadged it to a Golf Sportwagon, it became a shooting brake? Having owned both, I never understood why they did that...
Margaret Qualley seems like a hot mess... The last time I heard about her she was running around, making out with Shia LeBoeuf for the paparazzi in the wake of very public abuse allegations against him. Now she’s already married to someone else (and is what? 25 years old?). Gross.
Is the alternative really bad though? Do we NEED all these churches with dwindling congregations that have perpetrated horrific abuse of hundreds of thousands of children? Let them go bust. Good riddance.
Because it isn’t requesting the identity of the patients, only numbers of abortion cases.
HIPAA is about personally identifying information. The Idaho law only requires numbers of cases (de-identified).
I have always found John Corbett super ick and my instinctive reaction to his beta-male Aidan character is to cringe. He is NOT aging well. I actually thought he looked like a wax figure of skinny Dan Goodman in this episode. That’s not a compliment unless you’re the overweight Dan Goodman of old.
The ride quality in Mazdas is terrible. My friend has a fast3 & my mither drives a CX-5. Either of these would suck compared to a Jag. A euro wagon is the way to go. (disclaimer: I am a devoted station wagon stan)
I wonder what Bella would regret more, having the nose job or not being a super model (because there's no way she would have been with her natural nose).
Exactly. This is her what, 5th serial relationship? I don’t know anything about her except it seems she’s just jumped from one guy to the next. Wash, rinse, repeat. Yuck. Go to therapy, girl & try being alone for once.
Not the roof - the ENTIRE PARKING LOT! They’d be shady and generating electricity.