
Think of the Galaxy Camera as an Instagram Camera and you will see why. Even the best phone camera sensor sucks when comparing it to a real camera sensor — there's really no real comparison. Phone cameras don't even have optical zoom. There is a group of people who would want to post to Instagram (or any other photo

Google Image Search does not try to find who you look alike — it only tries to find which other images your IMAGE looks like. Therefore, the color and composition of the images are the key factor.

You are not supposed to read in low light or in the dark because it will cause eye strain. So, all the advantages of tablets are pretty much toothless.

I am giving up. Seriously, they just won't accept the fact that they like the iWhatever simply because they are dumb.

I feel sorry for all those people using their iPad to take pictures. I feel sorry for them even more when they tell me they think the iPad takes better picture than a DSLR because it's "BIGGER". Hell, there's once a poor soul pointing at the screen of the iPad to me and said, "see how clear the picture is!" Oh, I

You really need to use Google Now for more times to see the result — and the more you sell your soul to Google, the better it works. For example, if your Google account doesn't have your home location, it will take a couple days for Google Now to know where your home is, and once it knows where your home is, you will

I would love to switch to AT&T so that I can use any Android phones I want, but Verizon's coverage in NY is simply unbeatable, plus, I am grandfathered into the unlimited data plan. There's no way I will be moving for another 2 years.

Scientist will come up with a sensor in the shot to help measure the distance accurately.

Articles like these must puzzle Android users — why does it matter? Even at 9 pins, it still has far more than the 5 pins in a micro USB connector. It's a WIRELESS device, folks, you don't need all these pins for wires!

>> It's not available in most places yet, but in four years it's safe to assume we'll be using an Internet service significantly faster than what we're on now—gigabit, maybe?

Another brainless article that tries to praise everything Apple comes up with — I still remember the one that says the current iPhone's size is perfect. Now a longer one is coming, I guess it's time for us to discover the "NEW PERFECT".

Love this article, except that when you take out the hate, his logic contradicts itself. Take the 2nd and 4th paragraphs as an example. In the 2nd, he seems to hate people who blindly following trends, but in the 4th, he hates people who take the times to customize their phones instead of using an iPhone (which, if

Try walking on your knees — it's not designed to be hitting on a surface repeatedly, and that's what happens b/w his knees and his prosthetic legs, and THAT'S WHY WE HAVE FEET. If I competed with him and lost to him, my reaction would be how he could manage to overcome that, instead of crying out loud "UNFAIR".

Next time, NASA should find a way to drop a couple cameras down first, so that they can record the landing of the rover and sell the right to broadcast it. If NBC can delay the airing of the Olympics for a couple hours and still sell slots for commercials, they will definitely come up with a way to sell commercials


One thing we know for sure is that Surface is not a one-shot deal that some people thought it would be.

And there are people play these junks on a 60"+ HDTV set, hooking up to an audio system that costs thousands of dollars.

>> You can get the last four digits from any a credit card receipt. You don't need to go to Amazon. Every card slip has the last four digits. And the user's name!

They only care when their staffs delete for personal gains — you can imagine that the 4 who got punished wouldn't be the only people doing that (who could resist those temptation in China.) The practice could be starting to hurt Baidu now — they will only care when they see their bottomline being hurted.