
Looking back at buildings in the US in recent years, it's really depressing.

Siri isn't stupid — you are. Sorry to be offensive, but people need to set a realistic goal. Machine doesn't really understand human language, period. Current AI (make it public, consumer based AI, 'cause I have no idea what was happening in some secret labs deep inside governments) is far from truly know what we are

Sorry, but I don't think it will work. Look, it's not just a service of delivery speed. It's also about service of handling. Relying on your local branch of a big chain retailer to deliver your goods? Have you been to one of those store recently? The staffs there have trouble finding stuffs on shelf, never mind the

Get an elliptical, turn up resistance, go slow. Do 20 mins every 2 hours. For most people, that will consume around 200 calories every 2 hours. 5 times a day and you burn 1000 calories a day in 10 hours.

What made it not okay for him to be an asshole? He made a whole bunch of people, who believe they will be the next Steve Jobs, a bunch of assholeS.

I dunno — but where do the raw materials come from? I mean, protein does not come from thin air. I am not the types who are against artificial food, but I need to know more. But I agree that if it's handled carefully, it can reduce the risks of some biological infections.

>> They're just easing back at their desks with their laptops, handkerchiefs out, waiting to get down to the vote.

It's there so that we can test out ICS's new bloatware removal tool (hidden tool). Let's thank Verizon for being so considerate!

I am not expecting much from a Google related product analysis from Gizmodo — and I got exactly what I expected.

What the heck? Are the people in the background wearing Kamen Rider costumes?

It will be unbelievably stupid if they made something military-related standout so much (although, sometimes people are indeed that stupid.)

You can just port your Sprint cell number to Google Voice (it can be done now.) Sprint still has unlimited data plan, so you are not losing out anything. Folks like me who are grandfathered into the Verizon unlimited data probably shouldn't try that 'cause we will risk losing out our unlimited data when the number is

Just may be, may be ... may be Dell promised to produce the the Pentagon Dell Streak completely in USA?

Because you are reading Gizmodo, what are you expecting? 8 out of 10 posts from them are meaningless pro-Apple article.

It's not something new. There's a plug-in/software called FocusMagic that can even deblur out-of-focus and motion blurred images.

Android codes name are in alphabetical order. Froyo (F), Gingerbread (G), Ice Cream Sandwich (I). So, you CAN tell which one is the latest one.

I was a seller of Amazon's marketplace. At once, I was so annoyed with something in the marketplace and I e-mailed Jeff Bezos. I didn't expect any response, may be other than a canned one. But his secretary responded (not him) saying he/she was assigned to address the problem I had, asked me a couple questions. 2 days

Ha ha ha! You are so absolutely RIGHT. I still remembered the day when they said the resolution of the Droid was redundant!

Let's see how much "natural" language it can truly understand. Folks, it's not magic. There's no AI that can understand every word you throw at it, period. IBM's Watson is about as far as we have when it comes to a commercial product, and even it isn't perfect. With 100 accurate recognitions Siri can make, there are

Even though I am not a native English speaker, but I am getting tired of people mis-using the word "transparent". Transparent is totally "clear". You should see absolutely NOTHING between you and another object. Semi-transparent is "translucent", please.