
Thats the extremis armor alright.

Why are all the Legionairres dressed in black? These shows had been doing good showing comic book esque costumes, why deviate so much now?

Disney didn’t just buy the rights back, they bought Fox, the studio. And until they have a new directive from the mouse on high, they are going to keep moving forward with whatever they have.

I really think they will have to leave them seperate for now. Let the Fox Studio they bought keep making movies in their world. Then for something like phase 6 they can do a big story that causes the worlds to crash together.

So will this include the Star Wars rights that fox was still sitting on?

Your Name is my favorite movie of the year. Normally it would be something like Wonder Woman or Thor Ragnarok, but this year it is Your Name. It was one of the best movies I have seen in years. It had a fairly original story, well written characters, and a soundtrack that really helped tell the story. I ordered the

I would have said Taika Waititi, since He-Man should probably look, visually, a lot like Thor Ragnarok.

Wolverine was Cable at one point. It happens.

I thought Pestilance retired and handed the gig off to Pollution after the industrial revolution?

Looks like the Godzilla Death ray beam from Shin Godzilla is back.

At the end of courthship, C3PO discovered that the relative through which Han was supposedly descended was a fraud. Luke locked him in a closet until after the ceremony so he wouldn’t screw it up.

Also, Han knew about it, but also knew that it was bogus.

I remember when JJ Abrams created his own original content. I miss that. Not saying his adaptations are bad, but I wouldn’t want to be known as the go to guy for adaptations of others work.


So on the one hand, I hope this poster means that Roxie lives through the attack on Kingsman. On the other hand, they had made it so ambiguous that I was looking forward to her showing up to save the day as a surprise.

Actually I think the order they did it is perfect. I can totally see David Tennant threatening his house plants in his polite evil voice.

Well that sounds like the right hook to introduce Captain Marvel

They are replicant’s who believe they are the original people.

The american qualifier used to be held at katsucon.

Its apparently making a decent amount on merchandise and the like, so a sequel might actually manifest.

Your image for the Wonder Woman Movie came from Justice league War