can sony issue a recall?
i advocate the plaintiff.
just to soothe some worries.
i heard Ahn is an asshole. then again, most champions are.
with this and the oculus, i wonder if we'll ever reach a point where games get so immersive and close to reality that they can become dangerous. like, lead to psychological impairment or something. people start reporting brief confusion distinguishing reality from games after a long session. and eventually, it's…
Cop: Son, do you know how fast you were going?
meanwhile in north korea...
i heard david blaine pumped his body full of liquid oxygen or something to extend the amount of time he could stay underwater and slow the carbonation of his blood.
meanwhile K-9 units are laughing at them. get a real police job!
what if instead of putting stickers on consoles and packing boxes, FoxConn made the students print reports, take coffee orders, and input meaningless numbers into a computer for eleven hours a day?
it depends how hardcore you are. i've always known it as "ess ehn ee ess" as a layman, but all my hardcore gamer friends call it "snes". i think the motivation for pronouncing it "snes" isn't rooted in linguistics or the beauty of the how words roll off your tongue, but rather being 1337.
speaking to problem 2...
when Apple pulls an app from the app store for violation of the ToS, does that affect any money the app has made at the point of pulling?
good ole' Pennsylvania's top three are College, Teen, Milf. now that'd be a great sitcom.
anybody else kind of get a boner reading this?
well, their giant mechas will need weapons.