question for Christy: what's the minimum amount of people that need to be in an elevator for my farts to be untraceable?
question for Christy: what's the minimum amount of people that need to be in an elevator for my farts to be untraceable?
for auction? this belongs in a museum.
what the fuck was nokia thinking? this shit is ridiculous. fuck yeah this is fucking overkill. i mean, fuck. they probably spent a couple thousand dollars to do this shit too. and what the fuck is a "sound designer"? that shit sounds gay as fuck.
took a viagra before a basketball game. nobody wants to post up the guy with a boner.
someone said it out loud.
what? you mean all your clothes don't come from Wal-mart?
nerds. you think "stealth" actually means stealth. in the sneaker world "stealth" just means "mostly black".
air jordan is the apple of basketball shoes. people here get this excited over the release of a new iPhone, but nobody really says "AHHH THE NEW MOTOROLA CAME OUT!1!eleven". it's the same principle. jordans and iphones are special, but adidas and motorolas are just another phone. it's all about branding.
the same reason why clark kent doesn't use his powers to be a firefighter, police man, soldier, professional athlete, etc. it would be unfair to the rest of humanity. however, if humans need his super brain he's willing to offer it as superman (in the comics, superman is a regarded as a great scientist among other…
they'd have to heavily edit the story of his heroin days back in the early 2000's.
yeah way to kill the planet. be green. CAPTAIN PLANET!!!!!!
before passbook, i had been doing this:
ah, we got a detective here!
i wish the video showed it in action.
you know those youtube videos where it's like nyancat for 10 hours? i love those.
uh... what does anything casey chan posts have to do with tech?
actually, it's the opposite: antidisestablishmentarianism
so is "sanchez" an english word?
i'll help you get started:
John McAfee is said to be involved...