
maybe they're just re-purposing the galaxy tab 10.1 with the stylus and a new name. i mean, the galaxy note sold pretty well (overseas) and gained quite the buzz. it'd be smart to latch off of that name.

ive played round with one. it's a big screen, but the thinness makes up for it somehow. its a mindfuck.

...and now the calendar app is ruined for you. you can't unsee things.

picture password is awesome. i never thought i'd see the day when i can access my computer by drawing dicks on peoples foreheads. welcome to the future.

"Similarly, according to Weiss, you can easily defeat standard QWERTY passwords by recording someone's keystrokes from afar."

best iphone case EVAR!!!

i really wonder about those insane claims about KJI's life. like that he could control the weather. i mean, how many north koreans actually believed that? i doubt any adults really thought the man could control the weather. maybe kids. but then again, kids in america believe that there's this jolly old fat guy who

i would think (judging solely from movies/books/my imagination) that the true super hackers protecting the country are the super nerds you mentioned. but they prob work for the CIA or something in an office. id imagine these guys are the ones who would infiltrate some enemy base to set something up on their computers?

uhoh i bet sam is now on some list of suspicious people.

my sister is pregnant with her first child. i cant wait to be a stoner uncle!

agreed. i see those "no loitering" signs all the time, but i loiter anyways. b/c i'm a badass.

and what a tragedy that was..

oops i mean, i dont do stuff with underage girls. crap.

wait that came out wrong. i mean in THEIR butt.

thats why i only do it in the butt with underage girls.

"cools". its a measure of how cool something is. the taiwan tower will be one more cool than the eiffel.

a joint has cured every hangover ive ever had. i've already gotten out of work right?

immediately thought of this

watched the video. giggled at "uranus". lol ur anus.

yes. lets see what else we can get him to drink. in fact, that would be an awesome tv show.