
chair that vibrates with a TV mounted to hang right above your crotch, all put together by the same person that cant fix a leak under their sink... yourself. what could POSSIBLY go wrong

and once again, not made for lefthanders

and once again, not made for lefthanders

i just eat em with the skin on. its actually insanely delicious and has a shitload of fibre

now i want donuts
thanx a lot... dick

what? nothing in the commercial about how trump wants to fuck his own daughter?

my steam games alone take up over 1TB, but yes youre right. most people dont need more than that. they also dont need more than 8GB of ram probably, but i buy to futureproof my system. i only buy a new laptop every 7-10 years.

so usually i go for the most i can afford, especially since i dont want to be stuck 3 years

i just use water.
thats how ive gone for 20 years now and my hair hasnt been dry or oily and has full body and very very few split ends
the water just gets any daily dirt out of there.

i approach cleaning my face the same way. stopped using soap at all on my face even in the shower about 5 years ago. i just use hot

pretty sure theres a joke about your mom being a stripper named starshine in there somewhere

i wouldnt settle for any laptop without backlit keyboard either

or “at least” 16GB of ram and a 1TB drive

[that said, mine exceeds all of this, but you gotta have standards]

i make a rule to myself that the only electronics i can bring back there are my tablet for reading comics or my kindle for books. i try to be off grid though.

i usually light some incense when im there too.

it was basically all wasted space once i decided i wanted my tv closer to my bed. the tv sits on top of a small

i actually did this a few months ago with the massive amount of wasted space behind my tv

ended up putting a wooden beach chair my friend gave me in it and hung long pieces of black and purple sheer cloth [from infinity scarves i got on clearance] from the ceiling to act as a dividing wall between the back of my tv

with that fucked up head, she should be the one killing herself

for fucks sake

do i really have to spell it out for you?

they supplement their income doing model audition reality porn

ive always been puzzled by laptops or any device [this intel stick included] that will only have half of their usb ports as 3.0

do they just have some warehouse of usb 2.0 ports that theyre too lazy to just throw away? [certainly the government could find some way to add them to their ever growing stockpile of

From your headline are you implying that he got a Facebook or he got a Facebook “account”? there is an important distinction between the two. one is something my 8 year old niece has while the other is a company worth over 200 billion dollars.

Now you might see this as a ludicrous question, but Venezuela’s GDP is over

obviously doesnt work for sony ammirite

spiderman and daredevil are teaming up again?? FUCKING SWEET!!!

id jsut record 6 albums singing songs about my rapist and include their home address as the album title

their fucking reboots are why i stopped reading dc

do we seriously need to hit the reset button ever 3 years? ffs