left handed version?
left handed version?
poptarts and prostitutes
shouldnt this be the responsibility of airbnb?
this is the equivalent of saying its my job to make sure the guy delivering me pizza has a license and insurance or that my mcdonalds dude making my burger has his state mandated vaccines
god i use sockets on just about everything from bikes to my car to my scissors lamp, computer, bolts on furniture, etc
as i lost my standard sockets and wrenches i dont even bother replacing them now
i cut up hookers for sport
this entire article and your reply are on the wrong day
i wonder how much he had to practice to say that with a straight face
texas. where your whites are whiter than white.
can the baby sue for growing up with a racist mom?
i have to admit that im not part of this emerging generation but i like watching them play videos and commenting on them a hell of a lot more than i liked watching my friend play mortal combat for an hour before it was finally my turn
i can completely understand why people like watching them though. i dont knock it.…
my legs would get claustrophobic under that desk
the funny thing is that most of these “teens” in “what are teens in to” are in their mid-20’s
also, nobody on awkward is a teenager
also, that tape measure holster on your nail bags/tool belt... it goes in the back, not in the front [imagine reaching for your tape measure while flat against a ladder]
its a safety thing. that and you look like a fucking idiot.
i spent 10 years living in tucson, az and nearly all of us utilised xeriscaping instead of lawns.
i think we should be allowed a legal recourse when wrongfully hit with takedowns for the hassle we have to go thru to get it cleared so we can post something again and worse, when we have to start from scratch with an account. its a fucking nuisance and borders on harassment. if a cop was doing this we could sue a…
i always hated having to wait for a friend to die so it could be my turn
great reporting in this article! especially impressed with how you completely avoided mentioning that this wonderful app basically gets enough permissions to have sex with your g/f if it wants
theres an insane list of permissions needed on the underground app