
“And really I’m not saying he’s evil or a monster. In fact I don’t think Hitler was.”

There’s a whole lot to unpack in here, but this part in particular

This guy handles more tickets per day than Steam does. I don't even remember how old my support ticket is anymore.

It’s pronounced Sla-Ve’...effing heathens

They are so insensitively named, I’m surprised that Urban Outfitters aren’t selling them.

1. facepalm, 2. they are ugly. 3. no imagination for naming stuff left

The only good thing about X Files reboot is Gillian Anderson, the fucking goddess we are not worthy of. I would watch her watch paint dry for 3 hours. (If you haven’t watched Hannibal & The Fall, I suggest it highly)

I hate watched it. Snickered a few times. Appreciated seeing John Stamos. Reflected on Jodie Sweetin’s boobies and thought the baby was the CUTEST THING.

he uses computers all the time. computers love him. he has fantastic computers, with many many friends.


based on nothing is exactly right. Why do you doubt her version of the story?

I wonder... did she reach out to her bosses, her team, her management and ASK what was going on?


Splatoon gathered the data for us. Red is more popular, but people who play Blue are better players.

“In this exciting and unpredictable presidential primary season that you knuckle dragging mouth breathers can’t seem to get fucking enough of, we’re going to get rid of any shows that had merit, and replace them with more talking head vacuous, bullshit.”