
me too. i loooove updates. i think: "oooh, something better, an improvement, for free! YAY!"

"Every Android Phone, Ranked"

Why the fuck isn't "call immediately and have whatever card you used at Target between 11/27 - 12/15 cancelled and replaced for free" anywhere in this article? The information that they got includes the magnetic strip info which means they can clone the cards (including the CVV), so you can either do what's

Well, you can hit him. You just can't hit him high with your own helmet.

Well at least you may actually be able to do something now

I like that Microsoft has chosen to go all-in with a consistent design language across all its platforms. That having been said, there are many times that rote consistency lessens the experience. The black background and flat colored squares of the XB1 look ok until you compare them to the PS4's subtle textural

Next-gen, ladies and gentlemen.

What do you mean? Nobody with a desktop or laptop PC is forced to use the Metro view. You set it to startup on desktop view, and it does. It's the best Windows yet, and you get various performance gains, also DX11.2 in Win8.1.

It's the Metro interface as it should be, and much more ambitious and fast than any iteration of Win 8 so far. Maybe it's more attractive to me because I also use Windows Phone, but right now I think the XO interface is the clear winner.

It's the best interface for gesture commands, and still fairly quick to navigate with a controller. Not as minimalist as the XMB, but Sony seems to be moving away for that for some reason.

I am currently finishing medical school and one surprising thing is how many people prefer totally unproven "natural" cures to drugs. Most patients are awesome but a solid 20% are idiots. Shit, 20% of people still smoke! Then they wonder why their aorta looks like a cheese pizza....

ExtenZe is a "make it bigger" pill, not a "get hard" pill. Though ExtenZe probably cures hiccups about as well as it cures tiny members.

All I know, after not really reading: I want a Nokia Lumia 1020!

Global warming has existed since the Earth got an atmosphere. Even if we accelerate it; So what? Global warming has been here long before us.

Typical human arrogance. Looking at a really small period of time and thinking we it's the answer.

Well, for starters, the headline would be "No, The Xbox One Doesn't Have A 'Wobbling' Problem."

This is pretty fucking thin to be posting as an actual story.

I have the pen, I'm disappointed in the lack of pressure sensitivity.