
That's what we call "trying too hard"

I feel the same way about mine


Michelle Obama over J Lawrence? You cray

Makes sense. They don't want the mbile phone or tablet pitch to be Apple vs Android. They want Apple, vs Samsung, vs HTC etc. It lowers the odds you'll pick apple

I actually miss playing online casually. But after reading expose about Canadian Indian connections and super accounts at ultimate bet and ponzi scheme like qualities of others, I didn't trust it. If an online casino is backed by physical one with reputation on the line, I'll bite again.

cool story hansel. It's still looks like my compaq from 1999

I'd rather have a surface pro if I'm shelling out that money

and there's the rub... I think this will prove that chromebook's appeal is in the price, not necessarily substance

hopefully its better than chrome's built in PDF viewer. I usually juggle btw Chrome and IE10, but it's all IE10 when pdfs are involved

right, but there's a difference between the cost being baked in and having to pay for it. Kind of like phones. Most people don't realize that they are actually paying retail for their iphone when the cost of the plan is considered. But if they had to pay retail upfront, a lot less people would have iphones

Haha! Exactly.

Linkedin definitely serves a purpose, but i have yet to received an email from them thats NOT spam

very true

I'm excited for this, but i think it will take some adjusting for many people. So many are used to never having to pay for windows. It just comes on whatever computer they use and they only upgrade with new computers.

I agree with the rankings. Although, i enjoy all of them

Yikes. Staples/OfficeMax/OfficeDepot. The last resort for technology

Well, we're talking about Samsung. Not stock Android. And samsung already has a look for their existing android offerings. This isn't it. It's closer to the WP8 Metro look

Haha! My thoughts exactly. And people ripped me when i said new flat android aesthetics were Metro-y