
You're right. I shuldn't hate on ATT. But for me personally, in my area, both 3g & 4G coverage are much better on VZ. Also, almost all of my friends and family are on VZ and I'm not on an unlimited plan so that is a big deciding factor for in network texts and minutes

I wish we could get away from the damn subsidized phone model here in the US. None of the manufacturers would go for it because far less people will spend $500+ on a phone. Even though they're already paying for it in their monthly plan costs. I think that would end exclusives, but also turn service providers into

I'm going to blame them all

Seriously! I think the phone had enough hype that they didn't need to got to ATT exclusive for hero phone status. This is ridiculous. Why the heck would anyone switch to ATT for LTE right now?

I'm on Comcast and did this 2 years ago. Comcast has a pretty good site detailing which modems are compatible. Bought an older version used modem off ebay for $13. It paid for it self in 2 months and should last me quite a while

Hahaha! +1

Just curious if Foursquare has seen user growth slow or decline. I deleted my account about a year ago and know may other who either did the same or stopped using it

I thought they bought voice Nav info from TomTom, they should have done the same with the maps until inhouse version was ready. Or kept google maps, but used TomTom for turn by turn

This happened to a cannon P&S of mine. Not good, it progressively got worse. Something to do one of the light sensors?

also true. But I'm really hoping WP picks up market share so a last minute killer feature would be nice

Seriously. The nice thing about the big Mac adoption over the last few years is that i don't have to fix friend's & family's computers anymore.

Well, like any computer. As long as you're reasonably careful about which sites you visit and what you install (ahem, porn). Windows isn't the cespool you're describing. Also, many people prefer the user experience of windows. Whether or not it works out I'm glad Microsoft is taking the risks. That said, most

im 95% sure I'm getting WP8 for my next device. But this is a bit of a let down. Not that there's anything else specifically that i would want, but i assumed there was some big reveal and that's why MSFT isn't letting anyone play with the OS in the demo sessions. Also at the developer event a few months ago, they

dude it's a new iphone. This is like a tech blog's black friday. Cut them some slack. Imagine if every android device was rolled into one. They would treat it the same way

I'd love to see one with the Nokia Lumia 920 added. Guess we'll have to wait till its released

i understand why it should be funny. That's completely different from actually being funny

in the new jelly bean, a lot of the google interfaces are flat and monochromatic

It bugs me how Metro-y android looks. Android now looks like iOS and Windows Phone had a baby

Also, Does ColorWare still do phones? The only one showing up on their site is a blackberry. Maybe people didnt want to pay $200 for some color