At least in the U.S., you can check out ebooks and e-audiobooks. Go check it out. Your taxes put into good use.
At least in the U.S., you can check out ebooks and e-audiobooks. Go check it out. Your taxes put into good use.
I’ve pretty much stopped all purchases of physical media for some years now, only because space is a premium where I’m at, I don’t like the idea of packing and dragging all those thing should I move and I’m really super lazy about dusting all those stuff. Unfortunately, that makes me now a digital hoarder. As long as…
Then you should really think about borrowing the ebook from the library instead. It’ll save you tons of money.
I’m talking about a good media player something akin to “MusicBee” on Windows that can accommodate my large music and audiobook collection as well as the ability to subscribed to podcasts. All of the linux media players such as Banshee or Clementine can’t have separate libraries or hasn’t been updated since 2014 and…
Lynda Carter aka Wonder Woman is Mexican . . . wait a sec . . . I have no idea where this is going.
Seriously, when are you guys going to update the Linux Essentials?
You should definitely stand your ground on this.
I would prefer just an audiobook.
Quick question since I’ve never had a layover for that long, is it a pain to go through customs, do they still ask stupid questions, etc.
they fail to understand that the benefit is to get people to see movies when the theatres are otherwise empty
You left out the child molestation part.
Why, in my day all teachers care about when you were being tested on multiple choice questions was that you use a #2 pencil. That’s it. None of this fancy schmancy brands with LED doodads with why-phi-booodeeth thingamajig. Just plain no nonsense carbon with an eraser. You kids complicate your life. Now get the fuck…
Are we going to see “Lifehacker Pack for Linux” this week?
This is of course ignoring that most cabs I’ve been in have been driven by complete slobs who give less of a fuck about how clean it is compared to ride-share drivers that usually make sure their ride is looking good before they pick you up.
For people who have forgotten:
Just don’t ask her to decipher what the Irish are talking about.
Fun Fact 2.0:
Gosh, now where have I heard that before . . . bricking your electronics when you try to repair it . . . help me out here . . . it’s on the tip of my tongue.