
You need to say “Enhance” to the computer.

Mission accomplished

“Ellison’s deeply opinionated nature applied just as strongly to telling black creators and women what they should be doing to further “the cause””

Only if it includes a nice butt plug.

Well, she did say she had recordings if it ever reaches a court.

I think he saw you more of a heckler.

There’s no need to really say it other than to just hurt his rep

Well I guess if there’s one thing Hulk Hogan has taught Gawker that would be it.

Considering he doesn’t even know how to put in BT airpods so using a VPN is far beyond his skillset.

The critic’s reviews are fantastic but man, the audience reviews are really brutal. I trust the audience more than the critics on this.

Given that cops just need a GED to have a minimum educational requirement it’s not all that surprising.

I don’t know. Full body latex sounds pretty kinky.

If we’re going to argue over percentages, I won’t quibble over the fact that you didn’t make the cut and instead you’re in the top 11% of attractiveness.

So is Esther feeding her sons the blue pill?

I guess he had second thoughts /s

I like reading about insane people who lead otherwise sane people to do stupid things.

You forgot about that “reality distortion field” that she also seem to have adopted.