
So like... how many maps are there? How many game types are available in multiplayer? How’s the matchmaking UI? How many guns? Are the guns locked behind personal level and/or challenges of some sort? What is the tick rate of the servers? Do you have the option of choosing a server? How many classes are there? What

Now playing

RE7 Madhouse was by far the highlight for me.

Even taken on pure technical terms, I refuse to accept that Last Jedi deserves a spot over Blade Runner.

Oh right, I forgot that HotS is still around.

She looks like a guest appearance from Battleborne.

I swear to god, the smash community are the rick and morty fans of fighting games.

2142 was and is still my favorite.

Just no. No to this. This makes me think that the whole section is just going to be boxy cat tees covered in sequins and glitter. JUST OFFER THE SAME FUCKING CLOTHES IN LARGER SIZES. HAVE THEM ON THE SAME GODDAMN RACKS.

That Ganon is perfect. Just perfect

“there are unforseen consequences.

Has anybody seen Ja Rule?

Did the players of Metal Gear Solid V ever complete nuclear disarmament?

counterpoint: you should buy a switch

Very, very cool to get the actual story behind the photo. I’ve definitely seen it bandied about here and there over the years, and while my friends and I did a great many things with duct tape in the 90's as teenagers—particularly on marching band trips—none of us ever tried taping someone to an i-beam for a LAN party.

So pitchforks or no pitchforks? The internet needs to know.

Legitimate theft, or beginning of ARG?

Sure wish they made a third game in this franchise. Shame it ended at only 2 which was a great follow up to the first (one of my personal favorite games of all time).

Yep, real shame there wasn’t a third.,