Goggles Pizzano

NEW SCIENCE: Bricks float!

This XK120 is one of the raddest rides at Pebble Beach. Awesome.

Let me chime in about those awful wheels.

I totally disagree: Ten years in, no car is still truly competitive and none are seeing the "classic" appreciation that comes later. You could buy McLaren F1's all day for less than MSRP in the early 2000's. The 250 GTO was nowhere near its 1962 selling price in 1972. Bugattis of old could be had by the dozen for a


80 bullets, about 8 clips, how much ammo does a regular traffic cop carry?

Thank you, I'm glad I'm not the only person that was thinking that

If you lived in NJ, you'd know that deer INTENTIONALLY commit suicide on cars. It's like they are born, and then they run into the road and get hit and die. That's a deer's life cycle. Deer suck.