Goggles Pizzano

Other side of the coin: Zip Car gets their own spots in our city. The spots don’t magically appear, they used to be available for everyone to use. Absolute horse shit!!!

I had a pretty good idea when I was 6, and...I’m Canadian.

How hard could it be? Texas is shaped like the Texas Instruments logo.

Features? Yeah, it had one:


This guy’s enthusiasm and joy brings a smile to my face.

Trunk access like a Rabbit, Mini, and Fiat 500 ragtop?

Those door handles say suicide doors.

Can confirm. The steering at parking speeds, OMG.

Crazy, right? 40 days in the shop. haha. Last thing I wanted to be was a wet blanket, but had to post. I’m as excited as everyone else.

When I read, “...Peugeot left with little fanfare in 1991.”, I immediately thought of this R&T Longterm Wrapup from 1989. Explains a lot about why they stopped selling here. With all the problems this car had, the last line in the article sums up just how far the industry has come in 27 years. Wow.

Perv. :-)x

Clearly per hour.


Gorgeous too!

How many horsepower did the removal add?


Now playing

Agree with you wholeheartedly on The Prodigy. Have some good Firestarter:

Stealth Aircraft styling on a motorcycle?