Chris Pratt as Mario
Chris Pratt as Mario
Across all of their channels, they total a weekly average of like 25 videos a week
Don’t get mad at developers for doing their job.
It’s not complicated. Blizzard took a pretty good game, made a free to play ‘sequel’ that promised to have new singleplayer content, then backed out of most singleplayer content. People are mad
They were not owned by Sony at that point. Wipeout also came out on N64
Yeah no shit
It can’t even be called a straight port due to the missing multiplayer content.
I almost guarantee that Rockstar won’t do that again because of the PS4 and Switch release. They won’t raise the price because it’s just bad PR, but they won’t discount below those other versions.
$50 is steep for a port that is so basic that it’s not even coming to Xbox due to it already being available there through backwards compatibly.
Rockstar did the same thing last generation, they released San Andreas for the 360 after the Xbone was out for a couple of years
There's literally a setting to configure how many Quicksave slots to have. It's not the devs fault they didn't go through the settings
This is Activision, a company run by Bobby Kotick, and regularly has controversies over sexual harassment.
Activision most likely didn't care about keeping the source code to a licensed property.
Is Hasbro really wants these games on Gamepass and the source code is missing, making the 360 versions backwards compatibly is the solution to this.
24 million is downright dreadful for a 150 million budget movie that probably had another 100-150 million in marketing.
It’s nice that they did it in such a way that doesn’t completely screw over early adopters.
I think the Series S/X sharing the same UI as the Xbone has a large part of that. Pretty much every new system UI at launch are missing basic features like folders
Fenyx was the only Ubisoft game recently that didn’t feel like an absolute chore to get through. A lot of that might have been through the BOTW inspiration, but I’d still take that over anything else they’re making.
Everybody run to grind it before Blizzard patches it out. Can't have people having fun, only buying cosmetics