
I couldn't even get passed the first regeneration monster thing. Not because it was hard or I was scared because it just wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth grinding my way through this half ass game. Dead Space 1 was incredible one of my all time favorite horror games, 2 was good but I actually liked the clunkyness of

I couldn't power through Dead Space 3. I tried, I really did. I'm a huge fan of the series but god damn 3 is fucking awful. I played through Resistance Fall of Man on the hardest difficulty in co-op and beat Dead Island (with the gun class) and that was more fun than Dead Space 3.

I think I'm going to buy Ubi games on consoles because PC is just full of shit and Uplay is the anti-christ. Except Far Cry 3 & Splinter Cell the two games runs very well but other than that nope nope nope never again. I couldn't even fathom the disappointment if The Division got the same treatment.

Funny, since I added the mod majority of the NPCs are blacker than Wesley Snipes...Anyone else have this problem?

I believe in this game and want this game more than Star Citizen.

But will it fix this copy pasta bullshit?

I agree with the part about the gamepad. I'm so SO pissed that I can't use my controller to play Dragon Age or Mass Effect and I personally don't like using mouse/key for those games but I don't have choice, and don't say xpadder or ill slap a bitch. I want the choice especially if it was already integrated for the

our struggle

Any suggestions on how to clean Corsair H80i? The back filter is really dusty and cans of air arent doing the trick... T_T

You know I LOVE Halo and I LOVE Bungie even more but the voice acting in this I feel is very flat overall and it's not just Peter Dinklage. Is it the tone of voice trying to sound robotic or emotionless?

Just downloaded the test files and nothing seems to be any different... Is there something I'm missing besides going in putting the 2 files into the folder, opening the xml changing every quality to ultra and saving?

You know to think the last person I'd think to reply to me would be the guy with the original Godzilla name. Anyways to my point....

The only thing that bothered me was the fact superman sustained zero damage when getting his ass kicked by Zod. I mean normal human sure, a tank yeah ok sure he is superman, but when someone is fighting you at your level I expect some blood or something.

I demand wallpaper quality screens of this.

It will be nice to play Hog Wars with rockets on sidewinder and awesome for those to experience this because they might've not LAN back in the day or had Halo CE on PC.

I was so happy that Microsoft announced that Halo 2 is coming back with multiplayer. I literally screamed when it was announced. I haven't felt that excited for Halo 2 for 10 years and the most fun I can remember in gaming was playing Halo 2 multiplayer, playing custom games, being in a clan and just spending hours