
MAJORAS MASK!@#@%$#^&*

All things aside the quality of these statues look REALLY good. I'll be picking these up and look nice near my Wii U.

Majoras Mask 3DS is my bet also the news about Shin Megami x Fire Emblem.

Fuck, well since the announcement of that gorgeous Destiny Bundle, this doesn't affect me too much. Just anything I can get on PC I will and anything I can ONLY get on consoles I will.

what if I want to piss myself

PS4 & PC right?

I believe in this than I do Star Citizen

Yeah I think it be how you can download play on the DS.

Was jack black a voice in that trailer?

And my PS4 purchase is now justified.

Shoot the fucker!

Don't repeat what Watch Dogs was on PC

Not to be the debbie downer but I didn't see anything too different with this game except the co-op feature. Nothing looked or felt different from other Assassins Creed games.