
I work in a library, and for many years I also volunteered for my college’s annual book sale. It would not be an exaggeration to say that I have handled a million books in my lifetime. And after plowing through box after box after box of donations, you see so many bug-ridden, filthy, mouldy things: textbooks out of

I swear to god you stole my ultrasound picture and posted it...we referred to him as The Predator until he was born. He refused to turn the other way, too.


Now playing

Trick statement all the new ones are terrible.

*so far

Oh come the fuck on, Attack of the Clones is the worst Star Wars movie.

I think I have seen about 10 talk therapists in my life. Maybe more. Not a single one brought up timelines and end dates. Not one. Am I just the unluckiest depressed person out there? Also: not a single medication helped either for more than four weeks. Fuck this profession.

But is it kind of sad that the coolest thing that MTV has done in the last ten years is allowing us to once again see something they did 20 years ago? Or am I just putting too much thought into that?

Much as I'm happy to see this stuff available in some form in one place, I have a small gripe: A lot of the shorts here that were under the LIQUID TELEVISION banner have their credits removed, which means the creators of these pieces of content aren't getting their due.

For the younger High School me, this was some real mind opening shit. I'm sure Jersey Shore has the same effect on todays youth.