What has happened to me? In all seriousness, I think that was what Ebert was upset set about since he started the review with the line "Why do terrorists hate us?"
What has happened to me? In all seriousness, I think that was what Ebert was upset set about since he started the review with the line "Why do terrorists hate us?"
It's from the Poochie episode of The Simpsons: Homer offers that suggestion regarding Poochie. That episode also featured the "When do we get to the fireworks factory?" Line.
Malaysia is a predominantly Muslim nation and we were just attacked by crazy extremists. I think he thought that this plot provided ammunition to the terrorists.
When Dany is not on screen, everyone should ask "Where's Dany?"
I said the same thing last week. Ramsay is totes losing. You can't beat the finger.
We watched last weeks episode about an hour late and before we started, my brother got a text telling him the hound was alive.
It was Missandre whose nome is Nathalie or something like that.
Then what happened?
Poor Wun Wun. I suspect his cgi costs could lead to his demise I hope I am wrong. I feel like Littlefinger is going to come aka Gandalf the White and bail out the heroes.
I was being sarcastic and quoting the tone of the AV Club Review of the Joffrey death episode. The author pretty much argued that.
I love the one armed guy dropping his gun.
Remember how he tried to convince Shae that his family would kill her and she refused to believe him, so he had to give the "I hate you, go away" speech from Harry and the Hendersons or Pod People and Shae completely believed him? Shae sucked.
Bad pussy does that to people.
Why didn't Jon have Davos talk to Lord Glover; he seems like he has the ability to make a huge speech that instantly wins people to his side.
The human body can survive a shocking amount of stab wounds.
But she wasn't even good enough for that.
Knowing Marvel Disney, I am certain she will be a fleshed out, multidimensional character, like all their villains.
Ned never wanted to be king either.