
Context does matter, but you are picking and choosing what context matters to you. As it stands, white people wearing dark makeup to appear black is the continuation of a practice tied to the mocking of black people, and often enslaved Africans, in the US. That’s the context for this. More context for this, which a

Blackface. Blackface is not allowed.

If by “nothing,” you mean blackface, then, yes; it is not allowed.

Just...just wear the clothes. We know who it is, the costume’s good and fine on its own, there’s no need to Blackface it up. Jesus, why is this so hard?

Yeah just don’t do that. 

You sound pretty outraged for someone who pretends not to be outraged.

Is it really censorship if someone asks you to modify something and you willingly do so? This wasn’t undue pressure or a requirement that The Division do this or risk a penalty; it’s someone saying “yo, this is a homophobic slur, maybe take this down”. Considering the game is explicitly supposed to be apolitical, the

Is it really censorship if someone asks you to modify something and you willingly do so? This wasn’t undue pressure or a requirement that The Division do this or risk a penalty; it’s someone saying “yo, this is a homophobic slur, maybe take this down”. Considering the game is explicitly supposed to be apolitical, the

I note you did nothing to refute those facts, son.

“Mommy, Mommy, I can’t say the n word anymore because people think I’m a piece of shit, can you kiss my boo boo?”

Google logical “fallacies”. Your debating skill isn’t even close to as proficient as you think.

loooool. You’re such a champion for the entitled straight white masses, kudos. Homophobia has a direct correlation to hate crimes so what exactly is your point? Are stabbings "hurt feelings"? You're fucking dumb, man.

Anyone have a spare box of tissues?gimpydingo needs them more than any of us, apparently.

A “realist” who doesn’t seem to understand that the “people” and “animals” in the game aren’t real. Got it.

It’s a great thing on a slow news day.  I don’t know how you keep going like this.  Meth?

I decided he’s not worth my time. I am actually not sure he is a human, but instead some weird alt-right, libertarian, white male posting bot meant to just annoy everyone.

I could say the same thing to you. Sitting behind a keyboard with your mountain dew and Doritos getting your jollies off by acting like people who care about other people are the problem. Grow up, shithead.

Here’s the reality. You, user GimpyDingo, act like you are some big person immune to the realities of the world or the feelings that you may get from having a slur directed your way, or even in a piece of media you consume. My guess is that chances are you come from a racial, cultural, and socioeconomic background

You can have that opinion.  You’re just an asshole for having that opinion.

Good on Ubi for removing it :) I know it was included on accident but I’m still happy it was removed and appreciate how they handled it.