
*dry washes hands* "Ummm... No near-term benefit to industry or the taxpayer will be encountered as a result of these studies."

giants are not humans.

he just listed very intriguing benefits and they don't have to be justifiable to you.

We are on the cusp of so many impossible innovations that it would not be too far fetched at all for this to be possible. If he had properly engineered that motor mechanism with a number of mods, it could happen. I am sure there would be all kinds of other things necessary to make it work, so be it. I don't think

I got seduced by that whole internet anonymity, again. Sorry, I got out of hand.

This might make more sense if Martin also paid the guy's rent for a year and bought him a car. That'd really show him.

I pray that you and all your loved ones get through this AIM snafu, unscathed. God bless.

Damn cross posts... You got it right, my bad.

Wrong site, Jalop;)

I hate when people don't know how to use "embiggen".

I could never understand why anyone would use aim. It's (was) an AOL product! Do people not know what that means? I just could never get how cutting edge techies still held on to that junk for so many years. When I was blogging for a very prominent site, they insisted I get an aim account. I signed up, but I

And who said that blue-ray is dead?!

After thinking further about the joint where the wings attach to the motors, I'm not so sure anymore. The rest of the arguments... Still not very convincing to me. Even after ILM weighed in. But those joints... Just don't think they can handle the stress.

Your comment has some very clever humor at the end, which I appreciate... But I have to say that this train already left the station long ago and our visual world has opened up in a way that I think is actually beneficial. You see, I think that in order to do things that have never been done before, we have to break

This may be exactly what you say it is. It probably is. But tracks in the grass are anything but unusual. Any park is going to have a dude driving around in a golf cart picking up trash or doing maintenance. I don't buy this as a smoking gun at all.

I think it is quite likely that he has some sort of leg brace that holds his legs up for that "amazing feat of fitness" where he straightens his legs.

I am going with the Lexus 350.


Effing great one two punch, guys.

I realize you guys gotta put out newsworthy stuff on a tight schedule but lets try to keep this kind of thing on the "best kept secret" list, shall we? Times are a little intense these days and I frankly would rather see a calmer TSA.