
as always, the corvette is pointing straight...

i am so into bags that i learned how to make them. but this is nowhere near my style. there is nothing I would want my bag to say and no image i would want on it. but i still think this is cool.

Windows has actually gotten really good since vista. Actually, I don't see a difference between vista and 7 other than connectivity improvements, which are huge. I now use all major platforms and each has something the others don't, not sure I would want to be without any of them. I use my split Mac air and iPad

Can someone please tell me how this will replace my 100,000 megapixel canon nikonotron 2000? No? Well, there must be no use for it. And the technology will remain at this level forever.

The F12 Corvetta.

The same long beach that snoop is always praising?

An effing dog that they have to take care of.

Basically, all those limitations just lead to more intuitive design. Are you Ray Lahood's son or something? I think you are just angry at your father.

whatever, I cant remember the last time i had a good tasting piece of fruit. whatever the farmers are doing these days, it ain't working.

i was hoping for MORE physical buttons, not fewer of them.

I have a toddler. the few times i have let her use it she never touches the home button. she goes only for the colorful images.

I know the feeling. My wife will be like " hey, what was the name of the guy you used to get all those cheap human femurs from?" and I'll be like "damn it! If you didn't ask me I would totally have just thought of it for no reason at all."

And who's to say that the replacement parts need to be stock?

I think you were trying to say redoubledundant.

Someone should start stamping sheet metal for those old 356s. Must be a market for the full chassis.

I think they have the right idea with the uberpixels, but i think they also should have a good operating system or it wil be too niche. The camera thing is very smart, tho. A lot of people will be surprised at how important this becomes for them.

So worth it, eh?

There are a lot of these vids out there so I think it would be easier to actually do it for your average nutcase. Could be fake, but...

Tks. I guess we'll have to look for that Tyson outcome in hangover 3.

You need to increase your Simpsonisms rapacity