Peter still hates Kinja

Yeah. Where the hell does he get off having fun with his kid and sharing a moment playing a game they both love. Asshole.

He was having fun with his son and I bet those kids on the other team will have a story to tell the rest of their lives.

I told you to stop calling me that in public. 


Steve Jobs started from nothing and revolutionized the computer industry, the publishing industry, the music industry, the phone industry, and the animation industry, and he created the most valuable tech company in the world and the best animation company in the world. Donald Trump was born into extreme wealth, was

He probably has a financial advisor. I suggest he switches.

Sad story in light of plenty of pieces in recent years (here, here, and here) about the financial pitfalls athletes face.

AP needs a good financial advisor to bring discipline to his finances and whip it into shape.

I hope he beats this 

Fitting that AP's fortunes would flip on him like a switch.

ok, but in my defense, I’m an idiot

I live in Boston and I want to say that while “Sports talk radio is trash”, specifically Boston’s sports talk radio is absolutely the worst.

Ah yes, the country that declares the Men’s World Cup trophy (created by a Frenchman and awarded by an organization based in Switzerland) is “coming home” anytime they string a couple of victories together is schooling us on arrogance. Got it.

He is being blackballed from coaching in the NBA the same way that I am being blackballed from playing in the NBA.

Mama, there goes that bigot

He is right and he is wrong. He is right that Jackson is being blackballed, he is wrong that it is for any reason other than him being an incompetent ego-maniac.

It very much was not

Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.


Let me see if I got this right. Because this is amazing. Canadian writes a wisecrack about US Soccer and fans; regrets it because he thinks it’s too mean, but due to how Kinja works, he has to edit it into something else rather than delete it; edits it into a wisecrack about general American attitude; and gets into a