
Then again talking and compromising to Nazis didn’t solve WW2. Take you centrist bullshit somewhere else.

A lot of people do, in fact, need a reminder that nazis are bad these days.

Thank god a school was around for Mr. Bad Guy with a Gun to offend, rather than be properly charged for trying to kill someone. He won’t even do any real time let alone lose his gun license. Sheesh. The cops have been bending over backwards to help the white wienies stay out of jail. It’s time for the Feds to step...

OK so when does self defense and stand your ground come into play for these folks?

It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.

Where are the attempted murder and hate crime charges? Also, why is it that White supremacists always attack children or the elderly if they are supposedly “the master race”? Oh yeah, because they’re fucking cowards.

In that case, if she doesn’t know how you and the rest of your friends feel about this guy, you should tell her

Oh look! Taxpayer dollars being spent on what amounts to a publicity stunt for the Trump/Pence 2020 campaign.

The messed up thing is, as human beings it’s only natural to feel sympathy for victims of any tragedy. But because of the virulent, all invasive racism that was not created nor perpetrated by us, it’s also natural that my first thought re: Las Vegas was ‘mostly white folks at a country music concert—most likely to

Actually, his charges seem kind of light. “Threats to injure the person of another”? He’s actually implying that he would kill multiple people, and using the metro as a choke point to do it.

[I]t’s an open society and it’s hard to prevent anything

Maybe if Americans spent less time thinking about the fact that America’s gun violence compared to the rest of the developed world’s makes for a hilariously out of wack bar chart, and more time planning how to dodge bullets, more Americans would dodge bullets when they are shot at them, which would then make the whole

Here are some hard workers, working hard embarrassing the nation and being living, mouth breathing examples for birth control.

We all know it at this point, but there’s simply never a circumstance in which the Republican Party doesn’t advocate for tax cuts. The economy is roaring? Oh, I guess that means we can afford some tax cuts right now. The economy has tanked? Only tax cuts will right the ship. We just got hit by a terrorist attack?

Even abortion doesn’t afford them much on the moral high ground. Their obsession with abortion rights has little to do with “life” and everything to do with controlling women sexually. Their policies demonstrate they don’t give a fuck-all about children after they’re born.

Makes sense; it’s certainly Black women going on shooting rampages in this country right after they refuse to stand for the national anthem /s.

Loss of hearing > Loss of life?

So, when will the white community do something about their love of guns and violence? When are they going to do something about their need to inflict pain and suffering on large swaths of people to make up for their own inadequacies. When are white people going to do something about their people’s terrorist tendencies