Trump is waiting to see if the shooter leans left or supported Hillary before he calls him a terrorist.
Trump is waiting to see if the shooter leans left or supported Hillary before he calls him a terrorist.
We need EVEN MORE guns, not less.
This is great. Now we won’t have to worry about mass shooters losing their hearing, and they can probably break new records for deadliest US shooting because mass shooters will be harder to detect. The USA keeps winning. There’s still 3 more months this year to break records.
You could replace “Dissappointed in the Patriots?” to “Do you fucking hate black people?”, the same exact people would still show up.
“They’re anti-american, the nazi football players.”
“They’re nazis?”
“Oh no, the ACTUAL nazis who want to kill Jews and black people and run people over with cars are fine. I’m talking about the football players who are kneeling during the anthem. They’re the REAL nazis. It’s THAT type of nazi that I’m going to complain…
Respectable fellow white man: “I think it’s a good time to be black in this country. Also, fuck black people and get them out of my country. Nazis are people too.”
“Sean, can you hand me that roll of Master’s degrees? We’re all out of toilet paper and I need to wipe my shit-filled ass on something.”
“The nuclear bombs that hit the California, Guam and Japan were tremendous. Kim Jong Un really outdid himself this time.”
Wow! So-
Effect: Put a creature from your deck in your hand, or put a creature from your hand to the battlefield.
Flavor text: “Meet my newest minion. Come now, don’t be shy-shake her pincer.”
Love old RE
she was wearing a kind of bustier costume that was very form-fitting.
That guy in the suspect picture has TOTALLY never had a fantasy about killing black people and muslims.
Flompslompy goes online and and gets bent out of shape about 900turbo sharing Jealeous White Man™ experiences.
He was pissed.
“We have a right to exist”
Sharon is one of the many shitheads who would suddenly give a shit about the Charlottesville attack if the car plowing into people was replaced by black athletes kneeling during the anthem.
Disclaimer: The people who actually believe that don’t believe that brown-colored people qualify as humans.
should respect the country we live in
“assaults on sexual education, on family planning, on LGBTQ rights, on sex worker rights”
Oh yes. Let’s keep pretending that “family values” shitheads would still care about LGBTQ and sex worker rights if these violations occurred outside the realm of porn.
The war against porn by the right isn’t because it exploits…