el gobierno dice que no

That’s a great comparison. Also people deffo wouldn’t do this if it was their friend behind them but since its a stranger they’re all, i don’t owe u anything, here take my head rest in your face. People who recline are the pits.

I’m guessing that you’re a relatively small person that doesn’t need a lot of space to feel comfortable.

honestly tho jiggling someone seat, for however long, is not assault. its just being a total dick.

Team no-one. She’s a dick to ‘recline’, he’s a dick to do that. But honestly yea I side more with him. so i guess team harassment guy.

Agreed. I live in a provincial town in Europe, and we don’t see too many plastic surgery ppl roaming around here, so it’s all the more alarming when you do. I really feel bad for them. Age gracefully folks!

you guys should team up, you seem to have a lot in common @Bud Light Bro Fight

big headed as in her cranium is abnormally large, or as in she is a conceited diva?


well said.

ah, the math majors’ apostrophe.

because we are men and we know best dammit!

this is the correct response <3

I grew up in Manchester and I used to enjoy everything we had to eat at home, now when I go back there after living in France, Italy, Belgium for 20+ years it’s soooo bad. example, if you want to serve carrots to my dad, you have to slice them 1 mm thick and boil for 20 minutes. 20. don’t get me started on how long

this is a good point. Thin cuts i’d like it grilled quick so you get that crust on the outside, then i don’t mind if its not so pink inside. yum. roll around springtime!

I like mine quite seasoned and like pink in the middle.

burn burn burn <3

Then don’t watch, d’uh. I think they’re okay.

totally worth watching for your ‘who are dead’ side eye at the end ALONE

ohhhhkay duh thanks. So what you want is commas after ‘doctor’ and then before ‘dies’.

did she just have another kid? i just kan’t keep up. It’s all go-go-go with those people.